

1. Biotic regulation of environmental dynamics

1.1. Biosphere dynamics: Biogeochemical cycles; use of biospheric resources (thresholds); monitoring of both terrestrial and marine biosphere dynamics (relevant indicators).

1.2. Consumption of biospheric resources: Use of renewable and non-renewable resources; developed and developing countries; countries with a transitional economy.

1.3. Life standards: “Golden billion” and the rest of the world; sustainability — ecological, socio-economic, political, and ethical.

1.4. Carrying capacities on natural, regional and global levels for various components of nature: land, forests, seas, inland waters, etc.

1.5. Sustainable development and population dynamics.

2. Water

Drinking water deficit.

3. Energy

Fossil fuels versus renewable sources (wind, tides, etc.); future of nuclear and hydrogen energy; coupled energy production development and environmental dynamics.

4. Food

Impacts of environmental dynamics.

5. Environment

Key issues for life support:

5.1. Climate change (internal variability, external impacts: anthropogenic contribution — greenhouse gases and aerosols, volcanic eruptions, solar activity).

5.2. Stratospheric ozone depletion.

5.3. Tropospheric ozone increase (UV-B enhancement and subsequent impacts on man and ecosystems).

5.4. Polluted urban atmospheres and health.

5.5. Environmental economics (ecological taxes, etc.).

5.6. Environmental ethics.
