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US Country Studies update

Since 1993, the US Country Studies Program has provided technical and financial support to 55 developing countries and countries with economies in transition to assist them in conducting climate change studies.

The studies have helped countries to: develop inventories of their greenhouse gas emissions; assess their vulnerabilities to climate change; and, evaluate their mitigation and adaptation response options. This has primarily been achieved through the provision of grants, training, technical assistance, equipment, data, analytical tools and information services to support and facilitate the studies.

The programme also helps develop and disseminate analytical information to further national and international discussions on global strategies for reducing the threat of climate change.

In response to requests for financial and technical support from developing and transition countries, the United States government is assisting with the development of national climate change action plans. This process of support for national action plans (SNAP) builds on the Country Studies Program.

The main objectives of SNAP activities are:

  • to assist countries in preparing climate change action plans that may form the basis for their national communication;
  • to promote diffusion of mitigation and adaptation technologies by assisting countries with assessments of needs and opportunities for technology exchange and diffusion; and,
  • to enhance support for the objectives and principles of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change.

Support for national action plans is designed to accommodate the varying and specific needs of the country involved. Financial support is given for preparation of climate change action plans and for conducting technology assessments. Individual guidance is given from international experts through training, site visits and ongoing consultations.

Handbooks and analytical tools are provided for preparing plans and for evaluating and developing alternative policies, programmes and projects. Technical workshops are organized to discuss steps in preparing plans and methods and to facilitate the sharing of experiences and dissemination of results. Sponsorship of analysts from other countries is also provided, thus enabling them to work with the Country Studies Program team.

Further information

Robert Dixon, US Country Studies Program, CMST, 1000 Independence Avenue SW, PO-63/GP-196, Washington, DC 20585, USA. Fax: 1-202-5863485. Email:

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