On the Web
Central Pacific Hurricane Center
Based in Honolulu, issues all tropical cyclone warnings, advisories and statements for cyclones in the central Pacific.
Federal Emergency Management Agency
Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) site covering current storm information, historic data, disaster preparedness and other topics. Some information is also available in Spanish.
Historical hurricane tracks
An interactive mapping tool to search and display historical storm tracks and related data through entering local or regional coordinates. Access available to website for active storm information.
Hurricanes and global warming
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) on the link between global warming and hurricanes.
Hurricanes, Typhoons and Tropical Cyclones
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) listing maintained by Christopher Landsea at NOAA's Hurricane Research Division.
Hurricanes: Online Meteorology Guide
An excellent introduction to the science of tropical storms, including development, lifecycle and destructive aspects.
Information on Tropical Cyclones
Range of information regarding historic typhoon impacts, scientific background, warning systems and forecasts from the Hong Kong Observatory.
Joint Typhoon Warning Center
Covering the Arabian Gulf, Indian Ocean and Western Pacific, the current situation, warnings and satellite imagery from the Naval Pacific Meteorology and Oceanography Center West.
Laboratory for Atmospheric Research
Well-designed and up-to-date information from the City University of Hong Kong on seasonal forecasts of tropical cyclone activity over western North Pacific and South China Sea region.
National Hurricane Center, Tropical Prediction Center
Listing of forecast products, satellite imagery, aircraft reconnaissance, historical records and many other products from the NOAA National Hurricane Center in Miami.
Navigate the eye of a hurricane
Virtual reality tour of a hurricane, made available by CNN. Requires additional software.
Pacific Tropical Cyclone Data Portal
The aim of the Pacific Tropical Cyclone Data Portal is to improve knowledge of past tropical cyclone activity in the Pacific Islands and East Timor. The portal can be used to plot tracks of cyclones in the South Pacific between 1969 and 2010.
Tropical Cyclone Forecasting
Forecasts, charts of past and present storms, images and movies as well as research news from the UK Met. Office. Also contains links to major storm warning centres in Guam, Miami and Honolulu.
Tropical cyclones - Atlantic hurricanes
Current data.
Tropical cyclones - summaries and satellite images
Current data.
Tropical cyclones - UK Met. Office
Current data.
Tropical cyclones - University of Wisconsin-Madison
The Cooperative Institute for Meteorological Satellite Studies makes available information about current tropical cyclone occurrence, including imagery and links to other relevant sites, as well as archive data.
Tropical cyclones - worldwide maps
Current data.
Tropical Storms Worldwide
Excellent summary in table and map form of current and past storm conditions.
Autogenerated: 15 May 2015