
Tiempo Climate Cyberlibrary



About the Cyberlibrary

The Tiempo Climate Cyberlibrary was developed by Mick Kelly and Sarah Granich on behalf of the Stockholm Environment Institute and the International Institute for Environment and Development, with sponsorship from the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency.

While every effort is made to ensure that information on this site, and on other sites that are referenced here, is accurate, no liability for loss or damage resulting from use of this information can be accepted.

DIY Guide
DIY Guide

Educational courses, publications and other aids — selected resources in the Tiempo Climate Cyberlibrary and on the web

In the Cyberlibrary

Teaching Global Climate Change
Emilio Anteliz, Patrick Danaher and Michael Danaher argue that effective education about climate change needs to be located in a country's educational and socio-political system. Published September 1997

DIY Guide to Combating Global Warming
101 practical steps each person can take to reduce their contribution to global warming. Originally produced by Reforest the Earth, with the assistance of the Greenhouse Crisis Foundation and Ark, and now presented in a new up-dated electronic edition by the Tiempo Climate Cyberlibrary.

On the Web

Academic Impact
Academic Impact is a global initiative that aligns institutions of higher education with the United Nations in actively supporting ten universally accepted principles in the areas of human rights, literacy, sustainability and conflict resolution. Each participating college or university is asked to actively demonstrate support of at least one of those principles each year.

Acid Ocean
Acid Ocean is an open access virtual animation and laboratory on ocean acidification that allows students to improve their background knowledge of ocean acidification and to become virtual scientists, conducting and analyzing research on the effect of ocean acidity on a key and well known marine organism, the sea urchin.

Adaptation Academy
The Global Climate Adaptation Partnership and the Climate Systems Analysis Group at the University of Cape Town with the Oxford office of the Stockholm Environment Institute offer a four-week integrated foundation course on adaptation.

Africa: Atlas of Our Changing Environment
Africa: Atlas of Our Changing Environment, from the United Nations Environment Programme, provides graphic images of environmental trends across the African continent. Additional electronic resources, including data in Google Earth are available. Published June 2008

An Inconvenient Truth
The movie An Inconvenient Truth weaves the science of global warming with Al Gore's personal history and lifelong commitment to reversing the effects of global climate change.

Arctic Change
Data and information from reputable scientific sources place the present state of Arctic ecosystems and climate in historical context.

Arctic Tale
The movie Arctic Tale follows the life cycle of a mother walrus and her calf and the life of a polar bear and her cubs, illustrating the harsh realities of existence in the Arctic. View a clip, illustrating the impact of climate change on the lives of polar animals. Released February 8th 2008

Information, photos and video of life on Earth.

Atlas of Our Changing Environment
The Atlas of Our Changing Environment, published by UNEP, provides a graphic view of environmental trends around the world. Additional electronic resources, including data in Google Earth are available. Published June 2005

Barrett Bellamy Climate
Barrett Bellamy Climate has two main aims. One is the explanation of the greenhouse effect on as simple a level as is possible without being scientifically inaccurate. The second one includes advanced explanations with "translations" for general readers.

Breathing Earth
Breathing Earth presents real-time information about birth, death and carbon emissions rates world-wide.

Bright Edges of the World
An electronic exhibit about the world's drylands presented by the Smithsonian Institution and the United Nations Environment Programme.

Buy, Sell, Trade!
The "Buy, Sell, Trade!" game is a role-playing exercise that demonstrates the multiple benefits of preserving ecosystems for the services that they provide.

Buy, Use, Toss? A Closer Look at the Things We Buy
Buy, Use, Toss? A Closer Look at the Things We Buy is an interdisciplinary unit that includes ten fully-planned lessons. This unit will lead your students through an exploration of the system of producing and consuming goods that is called the materials economy, including the five major steps: Extraction, Production, Distribution, Consumption and Disposal. The sustainability of these steps is analyzed, determining how consumption can benefit people, economies, and environments. Available as a free download.

Campus Climate Challenge
The Campus Climate Challenge is a project of more than 30 leading youth organizations throughout the United States and Canada. The Challenge leverages the power of young people to organize on college campuses and high schools to win 100% Clean Energy policies at their schools, growing a generation-wide movement to stop global warming.

Cape Farewell
Cape Farewell brings artists, scientists and educators together to collectively address and raise awareness about global warming. Created by David Buckland, Cape Farewell has led three expeditions into the wild, beautiful and icy High Arctic, a place for artistic inspiration and scientific enquiry.

Carbon Connections
The Carbon Connections project aims to enable universities to address the problem of increasing carbon emissions, through the creation of new technologies, improvement of existing technology and innovative approaches to behavioural change.

Carbon Footprint
Carbon Footprint is a footprint calculator dedicated to students and addressing their life style. When answering relevant questions, students can see the impact of each of their behavior on their footprint and compare it with the national average.

Center for Sustainable Development
CSDi provides proof-tested solutions to challenges faced by development professionals: donors, executive directors, project designers, grant writers, project managers, field staff and project beneficiaries. Online learning courses include community-based adaptation.

Cereal Knowledge Bank
The Cereal Knowledge Bank is the world's leading repository of extension and training materials related to cereal and cereal production.

Clean Air - Cool Planet
The mission of Clean Air - Cool Planet is to work with partners in business, education and the community in solving the global warming problem, developing economically efficient and innovative climate policies and mobilizing civic engagement to implement practical climate solution. The regional focus of the organization is the northeast United States.

Climate Central
Climate Central is a non-profit science and media organization created to provide clear and objective information about climate change and its potential solutions.

Climate Change Education
Climate change education.org is a portal web site dedicated to global warming education.

Climate Change in Our World
Explore and learn about the impacts of climate change and find out how you can make a difference. The Met Office Hadley Centre, British Antarctic Survey and UK Government have harnessed Google Earth technology to present you with an interactive animation showing how climate change and global temperature rises could affect our world over the next 100 years.

Climate Change Information Network
The Climate Change Information Network, CC:iNet, was set up by the United Nations Climate Change Secretariat to act as a web-based clearing house for information on ways Parties are improving the awareness and participation of the public in climate change matters worldwide.

Climate Change Kids Site
Excellent set of climate resources, including animations, briefing documents and games, from the US Environmental Protection Agency.

Climate Change Kids Site
Site created for kids teaching about global warming and the Earth processes, together with quizzes, in an animated form.

Climate Change, Seasonality and Environmental Hazards in Southeast Asia
Report of a conference on climate change, seasonality and environmental hazards in Southeast Asia, a prototype training workshop for educators, organized by the Center for Capacity Building, and held in Bangkok, Thailand. Published March 2006

Climate for Change: Gender Equality and Climate Policy
European Union project, carried out by the Climate Alliance of European Cities, collecting information, data and case studies on gender and climate. Includes a forum for sharing experience and the "Climate for Change" Toolkit.

Climate History
The goal of the PALEOMAP Project is to illustrate the plate tectonic development of the ocean basins and continents, as well as the changing distribution of land and sea during the past 1100 million years. Site includes climate maps for different geological periods and a climate history animation.

Climate Kaleidoscope and the Rain Forest
Site covers scientific study of the link between climate and the world's rainforests

Climate Science Watch
Climate Science Watch is a non-profit public interest education and advocacy project dedicated to holding public officials accountable for using climate research effectively and with integrity in dealing with the challenge of global climate disruption.

Climateprediction.net is the largest experiment to try and produce a forecast of the climate in the 21st century. You can download a climate model from this website that will run automatically as a background process on your computer. As the model runs, you can watch the weather patterns evolve. The results are returned to this site where you will be able to see a summary.

Coral Reef Research Institute
The mission of the Coral Reef Research Institute is to enhance the conservation and good management of coral reefs through education and research.

Accessible, informative site providing a single entry point for extensive coral reef information and data products.

The website of the Learning through Collaborative Visualization (CoVis) Project makes available activities and resources for classroom use.

Deserts: Geology and Resources
On-line book providing a comprehensive introduction to drylands and desertification.

Distant Internet Education (DIERET)
An activity of the International Network for Sustainable Energy (INFORSE). Course participation is free to member organizations or their individual members throughout Europe. In English with Russian and Albanian versions currently being devised.

Dr. Dewpoint
A light-hearted but nonetheless informative and educational approach to current weather and climate events and related science by Joe D'Aleo (Dr. Dewpoint), chief meteorologist at Intellicast.

Earth Day Network
The Earth Day Network provides support for all governments, businesses, schools and other groups wanting ideas or collaboration for activities on Earth Day, April 22nd. There are over 184 countries in the Network.

Earth Education Site
The Earth Education Site provides access to environmental resources for teachers, students, education managers, librarians and science museum staff. It has been developed by the Institute for Global Environmental Strategies and the Consortium for International Earth Science Information Network.

Earth: A Graphic Look at the State of the Planet
One of the most compact and comprehensive resources ever published, Earth presents essential data and commentaries on the condition of the world's environment - both natural and human. Available as a wall chart, with selected graphics on-line.

The EarthAware Environmental Awareness software (shareware) quantifies the amount of carbon dioxide you put into the atmosphere, covering home energy and water, tranportation, consumerism, waste, advocacy, livelihood, land use and family planning.

EducaPoles is the IPF's educational site. It sets out to sensitize young people and the educational world to the importance of the polar regions and of climate change by providing teaching tools (including animations and video) and projects.

Education for Sustainability: An Agenda for Action
Education for Sustainability: An Agenda for Action, from the National Forum for Partnerships Supporting Education about the Environment, lays out a number of recommendations as to how concepts of sustainability can be built into educational programmes. Published 1996

Educational programs
The US Committee for the National Institute for the Environment makes available its "Directory of Higher Education Environment Programs".

The Efficiencity virtual world shows how decentralized energy production leads to lower emissions, more secure supply and reduced bills.

Emissions data and graphics
Greenhouse gas emissions data and graphics for UNFCCC Annex I countries.

Emissions Trading Handbook
The Handbook is designed to be the resource of first reference on emissions trading. The Handbook walks through the emissions trading process step by step and is designed to provide a practical guide to environmental-based trading programmes. Available in English, Spanish, Portuguese and Japanese.

Encyclopedia of the Earth
The Encyclopedia of Earth is a fully-searchable online resource on the Earth, its natural environments, and their interaction with society. Over 1,400 scholars, educators and professionals collaborate to produce reliable environmental information, including articles, books, reports and curriculum resources, written in non-technical language and available in various formats, useful to students, educators, professionals and policy makers as well as the general public.

Energy & Climate School Resources
INFORSE-Europe collects links to on-line resources for schools covering sustainable energy and climate.

Environmental Literacy Council
The Environmental Literacy Council is a non-profit organization established to bring together scientists, economists, educators and other experts to inform environmental studies. The web site contains educational resources covering climate and other environmental issues.

Ethanol Across America
Ethanol Across America is a grassroots information network that is committed to advancing the production and use of renewable fuel ethanol through education and outreach.

Euronet 50/50
Euronet 50/50 seeks to engage as many education centres as possible on a common goal to reduce energy consumption and increase knowledge and awareness on this field. Examples from Germany are presented.

Exploratorium - Global Climate Change
Site enables visitor to explore scientific data relating to the atmosphere, the oceans, the areas covered by ice and snow, and the living organisms in all these domains. Also covers how scientists study natural phenomena, gather evidence, test theories, and come to conclusions.

Extensive collection of material concerning meteorological, geological, hydrological and space science: news, features, gtraphics and videos, book reviews and links to other sites.

Facing the Future
Facing the Future believes in the transformative power of widespread, systemic education to improve lives and communities, both locally and globally. Teaching units in global issues and sustainability are available as free downloads.

Facts About our Earth
The WWF educational site includes educational resources on climate and other environmental issues.

Flick the Switch
Flick the Switch, a European Union resource, shows how to save energy in school (and the home) and how to help to make schools energy efficient. Resources include activities, games and competitions.

Focus the Nation
Focus the Nation is a major educational initiative that is coordinating teams of faculty, students and staff at over a thousand colleges, universities and high schools in the United States, to collaboratively engage in a nationwide, interdisciplinary discussion centered around the theme of "Global Warming Solutions for America". The project will culminate January 31, 2008, in the form of one-day, national symposia held simultaneously on campuses across the country.

Food and Agriculture Organization - Desertification
The FAO website on desertification aims to assist national, regional and international stakeholders and networks involved in sustainable development of drylands. The contains technical and scientific data and information, as well as links to a number of informative websites on desertification.

Food Force
Play the computer game, Food Force, and learn about drought, conflict and the politics of food aid.

The United Nations Division of Sustainable Development provides a summary of international initiatives on water management, access to relevant documents and links to websites.

Global Amphibian Assessment
The Global Amphibian Assessment is the first comprehensive survey of the conservation status of the world's 5,743 known species of frogs, toads, salamanders and caecilians.

Global Climate Change - NASA's Eyes on the Earth
News, information, data, educational materials and other resources from the US National Aeronautics and Space Administration.

Global Climate Change Information Programme
The programme, based at Manchester Metropolitan University, provides a range of teaching materials as well as an informative Web site.

Global Climate Change public lecture series

Global Cool
Harnessing the power of popular entertainment and environmental science, Global Cool works to stir anyone who cares about the planet to do their bit to save the planet they care about. Site contains promotional material from pop singers and bands and resources to assist everyone to make a contribution.

Global Development Research Center
A virtual organization carrying out initiatives in education, research and practices in spheres of environment, urban, community and information with focus on the micro scale.

Global Focus Aotearoa
Global Focus Aotearoa is a specialist provider of information and education on global and development issues.

Global Warming - Undo It
Briefing on the basics of the global warming issues and steps to control the threat from the Environmental Defense Fund.

Global warming animations
Animated global warming projections from the Hadley Centre for Climate Prediction and Research.

Global warming: early signs
Interactive mapping of early warning signs of climate change, with curriculum guide for educators.

Global Water Cycle
The US Environmental Protection Agency presents an animated account of the global water cycle.

Globalis - interactive world map
Globalis is an interactive world atlas that can be used to plot country-level data on environment and development.

GLOBE Program
The Global Learning and Observations to Benefit the Environment Program is a far-reaching international student-scientist partnership involving primary and secondary schools, with the assistance of scientists from around the world, in the collection of data relevant to global change studies.

Green Facts
Green Facts aims to bring complex scientific consensus reports on health and the environment, including climate change, to the reach of non-specialists.

Green Maps
Greens maps are locally created maps that chart the natural and cultural environment.

Green Pages
Green Pages, the online gateway to environmental products and services, aims to deepen and broaden consumerīs ability to make a positive impact through their purchasing, and promotes a shift of public and private financial flows into projects and programmes that encourage and contribute to environmentally and socially sustainable development. Contains listings of information sources, organizations, services and suppliers as well as editorial material.

green.tv is a broadband TV channel dedicated to environmental issues.

How to Save the Climate (0.7MB download)
How to Save the Climate, from Greenpeace, provides a concise guide to actions everybody can take to protect global climate.

Hunger Notes
Partner to the World Hunger Program, the World Hunger Education Service provides a range of information regarding the prevention of, and solutions to, hunger, including the on-line Hunger Notes.

Indigenous Weather Knowledge
Provides historical to current seasonal weather calendars of the Australian Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. Portrays their knowledge of the complexity and diversity of weather and how finely tuned these cultures are to their natural environment.

The Inquiry-to-Insight project (I2I) pairs classes from different countries that share a common language within a private social network. This international collaboration gives students the opportunity to compare views, attitudes and lifestyles related to environmental issues and to broaden their points of view. The programme offers various digital tools, such as Acid Ocean and a carbon footprint calculator.

Institute for Water Education
The UNESCO-IHE Institute for Water Education carries out research, education and capacity building activities in the fields of water, environment and infrastructure.

Intelligent Use of Energy
The Intelligent Use of Energy project aims to promote a more efficient way of using energy in every day life among secondary schools students and teachers.

International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives
ICLEI helps local governments promote environmental and sustainable development initiatives through technical assistance, campaigning and training. Also works with UN-HABITAT and UNEP.

International Research Institute for Climate and Society
The International Research Institute for Climate and Society uses a science-based approach to enhance society's capability to understand, anticipate and manage the impacts of climate in order to improve human welfare and the environment, especially in developing countries. Website resources include educational material, data and forecasts, research tools and publications.

International Space Station Education Kit
The European Space Agency has published an International Space Station (ISS) Education Kit to meet the requirements for teaching Space and in particular subjects related to the ISS to European students, aged 12-15. Available free on application.

Introduction to Physical Oceanography
Introduction to Physical Oceanography is intended for undergraduate students and can be downloaded in pdf format.

Iowa State University Global Change course
Iowa State University physics department makes available a stimulating course on global change.

Island Directory
UNEP provides an annotated list of nearly 2,000 significant islands, giving an overview of their geographic, ecological and hguman interest.

Journey into Amazonia
Based around a PBS documentary series, Journey into Amazonia includes an introduction to the natural science of the region, an interactive game, web links and teaching resources.

Keep Oceans Clean!
Site contains information about how trash affects the oceans and actions you can take to protect the world's oceans as well as a game to play.

Kids as Global Scientists Research Group
The Kids as Global Scientists research group is engaged in educational research to improve science learning in high-poverty, urban, elementary and middle school classrooms.

Klima is a climate change information centre for East Asia. Features the Low Carbon Diet.

Kulturbro is a major biennial, international cultural event set in the Oresund region and the five-mile long bridge between Denmark and Sweden. Includes concert halls, dance and poetry theatre, sculpture, painting, architecture, music and innovative educational activities. Kulturbro 2002 is reviewed by Ian Starsmore.

Learning for Sustainability
The Learning for Sustainability site brings together resources to help us address the social and capacity building aspects of managing water and other natural resources in a sustainable manner.

LearnSD is the virtual campus of the Earth Council. Broad range of courses available related to sustainable development as well as access to numerable resources online. Includes newsletter and forum.

LINKS Project
The LINKS project provides multimedia and document resources as well as reports on activities related to local and indigenous knowledge systems.

A guide to the most efficient things in the world.

Millennium Development Goals
The Millennium Development Goals commit the international community to an expanded vision of development, one that vigorously promotes human development as the key to sustaining social and economic progress in all countries, and recognizes the importance of creating a global partnership for development.

Millennium Project
The UN Millennium Project is an independent advisory body commissioned by the UN Secretary-General to advise the UN on strategies for achieving the Millennium Development Goals.

MIT Open Courseware: Earth, Atmospheric, and Planetary Sciences
Free lecture notes, exams and videos from Massuchusetts Institute of Technology.

National Geographic
The National Geographic web site contains a variety of educational reources, including maps, geo-adventures and Xpedition Hall.

National Institute for the Environment
The National Institute for the Environment is spearheading climate change education initiatives which equip professors of various disciplines to teach climate change science and solutions.

Navigate the eye of a hurricane
Virtual reality tour of a hurricane, made available by CNN. Requires additional software.

Nepalese Youth for Climate Action
Nepalese Youth for Climate Action (NYCA) is a coalition of Nepali youth and youth groups formed with an aim to tackle climate change. NYCA works with universities, schools, organizations, and communities at national and international level to protect our future from the threats posed by climate change.

New Zealand Marine Information portal
MarineNZ is a portal providing information on the New Zealand marine environment. Resources include underwater photography and videography, as well as leading marine biology reports and presentations and tools for students, teachers and all those interested in conservation.

On Behalf of My Delegation,..."
A survival guide for developing country climate negotiators.

Online Meteorology Guide
The Online Meteorology Guide is a collection of multimedia instructional modules dedicated to online learning in the atmospheric sciences. Directed towards the needs of high school students, the guide has also proved useful at higher levels. A remote sensing guide is also available.

Opal Waters, Rising Seas
Slide show with commentary by Andrew Meares (Sydney Morning Herald) and Liz Minchin (The Age) on climate change and the Torres Strait.

OzoneAction Education Pack
The OzoneAction Education Pack provides primary school teachers with practical, hands-on and entertaining curricula material to educate their students about the protective role of the ozone layer and the causes and consequences of its depletion.

Painting on Climate Change and Global Warming Solutions
Climate change education.org provides links to the websites of artists' concerned with the climate issue.

Pathways Analysis
The United Kingdom is committed to reducing its greenhouse gas emissions by at least 80 per cent by 2050, relative to 1990 levels. This site provides resources that enable young and old to assess what options are available to meet this goal.

Planet Ark
A campaigning and educational site providing access to information to assist communities and groups establish environmentally-sustainable daily practices. Provides access to environment-related news and pictures.

Project 90 by 2030
Project 90 by 2030 supports South Africans from all sectors of society in doing their bit to preserve the environment, committed to changing the way they live by 90% by the year 2030.

R-Project for Statistical Computing
R is free software, providing a wide variety of statistical (linear and nonlinear modelling, classical statistical tests, time-series analysis, classification, clustering, and so on) and graphical techniques relevant to climate research.

Rainforest Action Network
The Rainforest Action Network is a coalition of organizations in North and South dedicated to protecting the world's forests and their inhabitants. Sites includes resources for teachers and students.

Regional Oceanography: an Introduction
Regional Oceanography: an Introduction is a textbook suitable for an advanced undergraduate course or an introduction for graduate students. Can be downloaded in pdf format.

River Ocean Research and Education
River Ocean Research and Education is dedicated to increasing awareness and encouraging care for water environments. All its projects are designed to increase co-operation between people and break down barriers between art and science.

Rough Guide to a Better World
The Rough Guide to a Better World discusses ways to combat hunger, disease and illiteracy and suggests ways in which we, as individuals, can get involved.

Safe Climate
The Safe Climate project, organized by the World Resources Institute, guides you to act to reduce your impact on global warming and learn more about the climate issue.

School Project on Application of Resources and Energy
The School Project on Application of Resources and Energy (SPARE) is an international school project run by the Norwegian Society for the Conservation of Nature. Pupils learn how to use energy and resources efficiently. Active SPARE schools conduct education on sustainable use of energy and resources, implement practical measures on energy efficiency or renewable energy and, finally, inform the neighbourhood about their achievements.

Schools for Intelligent Energy Use
The Schools for Intelligent Energy Use project builds a bridge between 114 intermediate vocational schools and civil societies in nine countries. The objective is to increase the involvement and responsibility of a large group of intermediate vocational school students, teachers, businesses, local governments/municipalities in the field of energy saving and renewable energy technology.

Science, Civilization and Society
Science, Civilization and Society is series of lectures in electronic format, developed by Matthias Tomczak (Flinders University).

Solar Energy International
Solar Energy International's Renewable Energy Education Program teaches the practical use of solar, wind and water power. Workshops give individuals the knowledge and skills to design, install and maintain renewable energy systems and to build state-of-the-art solar homes that are efficient, practical and earth friendly.

SolarMax is a 40-minute giant-screen documentary that tells the story of humanity's struggle to understand the Sun. The website includes clips from the movie, educational material and links to other relevant sites.

Southeast Asian Deltas
A research and reference site with access to studies, research projects, resource people, and publications related to the four deltas of Southeast Asia. The Ayeyarwady in Myanmar, the Chao Phraya in Thailand and the Mekong and Red River Deltas in Vietnam.

SPARE attracts youth energy efficiency activities and promotes sustainable energy. The idea is to transform a global concern into practical school activities.

Students on Ice
Students on Ice offers unique learning expeditions to the Antarctic and the Arctic. Its mandate is to provide students from around the world with inspiring educational opportunities at the ends of our earth, and in doing so, to help them foster a new understanding and respect for our planet.

Sustainable Development Institute
Established by the Menominee Nation and located at the College of the Menominee Nation. Uses the unique Menominee model of sustainable development as a basis in research, education, commerce and community development.

Television Trust for the Environment
The Television Trust for the Environment works with partners worldwide to make films on environment and development issues that inspire change.

The Greens
The Greens is a site for kids from Boston broadcaster WGBH about sustainability and green living. Through the animated episodic adventures, a blog, kids' mail, and regular updates, the Greens explores green living, sustainability, ecology, environmental care, and social equity.

The Miniature Earth
Graphic account of trends in world population.

The Pelican Web
The mission of The Pelican Web is to collect, organize, and disseminate knowledge on sustainable development, with especial focus on human development; and to publish the monthly, free subscription, open access Mother Pelican.

Tiki the Penguin
Tiki the Penguin provides a guide to climate change, including action you can take to combat the problem.

UK Met. Office
The UK Met. Office site contains a set of educational pages covering weather and climate with background information, data and worksheets.

UN Atlas of the Oceans
Complete and wide-ranging information relevant to the sustainable development of oceans. Developed by UN agencies and other partners for policy makers, scientists, students and stakeholders needing detailed information and access to databases relevant to the sustainable development of oceans.

UN CyberSchoolBus
Introduction to the Millennium Development Goals and opportunities for youth involvement.

United for Climate
Unite for Climate is your entry point into the world of youth action on climate change. You can join the community, participate in global campaigns, and work to extend the impact of the COP 15.

Visy Enviromaniacs
Developed for Australian schools, Visy Enviromaniacs is an online environmental education programme for school students of all ages. The lesson plans developed for teachers are aimed at Years 3 to 6.

Vital Arctic Graphics
Information, photos, graphics and case studies concerning the people and environment of the Arctic.

Vital Climate Graphics
Excellent set of graphics illustrating different aspects of the climate problem. Updated in 2005.

Vital Climate Graphics Africa
Excellent set of graphics illustrating different aspects of the climate problem for Africa.

Vital Climate Graphics Latin America and Caribbean
Excellent set of graphics illustrating different aspects of the climate problem for Latin America and the Caribbean.

Vital Graphics
The Vital Graphics series makes available fundamental communication packages that promote the interaction between science and the various stages of the policy and decision-making cycle, summarizing, synthesizing and illustrating critical environmental issues.

Volcano World
Volcano World makes available authoritative information about volcanoes and news of current volcanic events.

WhaleTimes Sea Bed
WhaleTimes takes you on an adventure in the ocean. Find out how your favourite animals survive in the sea.

World Distribution of Coral Reefs and Mangroves
Maintained by the World Conservation Monitoring Centre, contains maps of the world distribution of coral reefs and mangroves and background information.

World Environment Day
Site provides information packs, posters and booklets suggesting activities to commemorate World Environment Day, 5th June, each year.

World Ocean Observatory
The World Ocean Observatory provides a place of exchange for ocean information, education and public discourse about the future of the ocean and its implication for human survival. The site hosts the Ocean Forum, a digest of ocean news.

World's Worst Pollution Problems
The Blacksmith Institute, in collaboration with Green Cross Switzerland, issues a annual Top Ten list of the world's most dangerous pollution problems.

Young Energy Savers
Young Energy Savers (YES) is a TV animation project aimed at raising awareness among children aged 5 to 8 about energy consumption.

Youth Climate Pledge
The Youth Climate Pledge is a collaborative plan of action that young people can sign on to and get others to commit to.

Youthink! from the World Bank provides information about global issues and an opportunity to share stories and views.

ZERI Educational Initiative
Zero Emissions Research & Initiatives (ZERI) is a global network of creative minds seeking solutions to world challenges; being our children's education, the cornerstone of society's future. Site includes educational resources, including arts and music.

Autogenerated: 15 May 2015

Bright Ideas

GE cuts solar costs

General Electric plans to cut solar installation costs by half

Project 90 by 2030

Project 90 by 2030 supports South African school children and managers reduce their carbon footprint through its Club programme

Smart street lighting

Bath & North East Somerset Council in the United Kingdom has installed smart LED carriageway lighting that automatically adjusts to light and traffic levels

Longwood Gardens

The United States National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration and the American Public Gardens Association are mounting an educational exhibit at Longwood Gardens showing the link between temperature and planting zones

Crowne Plaza Copenhagen Towers

The energy-efficient Crowne Plaza Copenhagen Towers hotel is powered by renewable and sustainable sources, including integrated solar photovoltaics and guest-powered bicycles

El Hierro

El Hierro, one of the Canary Islands, plans to generate 80 per cent of its energy from renewable sources

Remarkables Primary School green roof

The green roof on the Remarkables Primary School in New Zealand reduces stormwater runoff, provides insulation and doubles as an outdoor classroom

Weather Info for All

The Weather Info for All project aims to roll out up to five thousand automatic weather observation stations throughout Africa


SolSource turns its own waste heat into electricity or stores it in thermal fabrics, harnessing the sun's energy for cooking and electricity for low-income families

Wave House

The Wave House uses vegetation for its architectural and environmental qualities, and especially in terms of thermal insulation

Mbale compost-processing plant

The Mbale compost-processing plant in Uganda produces cheaper fertilizer and reduces greenhouse gas emissions

Frito-Lay Casa Grande

At Casa Grande, Frito-Lay has reduced energy consumption by nearly a fifth since 2006 by, amongst other things, installing a heat recovery system to preheat cooking oil

More Bright Ideas...

Updated: May 15th 2015