On the Web
Buy, Use, Toss? A Closer Look at the Things We Buy
Buy, Use, Toss? A Closer Look at the Things We Buy is an interdisciplinary unit that includes ten fully-planned lessons. This unit will lead your students through an exploration of the system of producing and consuming goods that is called the materials economy, including the five major steps: Extraction, Production, Distribution, Consumption and Disposal. The sustainability of these steps is analyzed, determining how consumption can benefit people, economies, and environments. Available as a free download.
The EarthAware Environmental Awareness software (shareware) quantifies the amount of carbon dioxide you put into the atmosphere, covering home energy and water, tranportation, consumerism, waste, advocacy, livelihood, land use and family planning.
Green Economy Initiative
The Green Economy Initiative, launched by the United Nations Environment programme, is designed to assist governments in "greening" their economies by reshaping and refocusing policies, investments and spending towards a range of sectors, such as clean technologies, renewable energies, water services, green transportation, waste management, green buildings and sustainable agriculture and forests.
The ‘Kompogas' facility turns biological wastes into electricity, fuel and compost. Pioneering work on ecological energy production by Walter Schmid.
WRAP works in partnership, helping businesses and the general public to reduce waste, to use more recycled material, and recycle more things more often. This helps to minimize landfills, reduce carbon emissions and improve our environment.
Zero Emissions Research & Initiatives (ZERI) is a global network of creative minds seeking solutions to world challenges. The common vision shared by the members of the ZERI family is to view waste as resource and seek solutions using nature's design principles as inspiration. ZERI has identified 100 innovations that within a decade could generate 100 million jobs.
Zero Waste Alliance
The Zero Waste Alliance is a non-profit partnership of universities, government, business and other organizations working to develop, promote and apply Zero Waste strategies. It has developed EPEAT, an environmental procurement tool designed to help institutional purchasers in the public and private sectors evaluate, compare and select desktop computers, notebook computers and monitors based on their environmental attributes, and other resources.
Zero Waste International Alliance
The Zero Waste International Alliance has been established to promote positive alternatives to landfill and incineration and to raise community awareness of the social and economic benefits to be gained when waste is regarded as a resource base upon which can be built both employment and business opportunity.
Autogenerated: 15 May 2015